“Wedding Poem” by Claire Pearson, one of the four poets who performed at our wedding
“Wedding Poem” by Claire Pearson friends! family! honored guests! ne’er do wells and those here to settle any outstanding bets (it's me, i probably owe somebody money about all of this)! welcome and rejoice! for we are gathered here beneath the twin-trunked wedding tree because the inevitable march of time has been kind enough to deem it so, and there’s no other place i’d rather be than here with all of you we are here for one reason and one reason alone, to celebrate the ritual union of the fairy queen and the eternal bachelor, a mythic marriage foretold only in legend, daydream, fever dream, napkin poem, tarot cards, and coffee grounds etc etc until today! today, we rejoice for the whiskey binge is purely ceremonial and there will be no witches showing up to curse the firstborn, because we invited the whole town on the internet!! and there is no sad crying allowed! only happy tears, like if i came over there, bottled up your tear and froze them, they’d look super...